Tag Archives: elizabeth rose

Medieval Romance Monday – Lord of the Blade by Elizabeth Rose

Lord of the Blade by Elizabeth RoseFor this week’s Medieval Romance Monday, we are featuring Lord of the Blade by Elizabeth Rose.  The author shared this story with us:

Lord of the Blade will always be special to me, as it was my first ‘baby’ so to speak. I wrote it years ago, being the first medieval romance – actually, the first romance – I ever wrote.

I have always loved anything medieval, with my all-time favorite movie being Lady Hawk. That movie had all the elements I crave – medieval, paranormal (shapeshifting) and of course romance.

I wanted the heroine in Lord of the Blade to be the lord’s servant because I knew how much fun I could have writing that scenario. But once I started, I got so involved in the characters that I decided my hero, Lord Corbett Blake, was a man I wanted to see more of. (So did my heroine, Devon, but that’s beside the point.)

Since he was all alone with no parents, and even his friend the sorcerer missing, I decided to include a few siblings that he could discover in future books. That’s where his sister, Wren, comes in with the second book of the series, Lady Renegade. She has been missing since the age of three, but Corbett does remember her. Her story is complex, but she has been blinded by a marcher lord and leads a band of renegade women. And I have to admit I fell in love with the hero in this story, the Scotsman, Storm MacKeefe. (I do believe you’ll be seeing some of his clan members in upcoming novels.)

Corbett’s mother has died birthing his twin brother and sister. He believes them to have been stolen by the nursemaid and died at sea. That is only partially correct, as we see in the third book of the series, Lord of Illusion.

Madoc ap Powell is Corbett’s long lost brother but neither of them know it. He has been raised as a thief by the disowned wife of a pirate. The heroine, Abigail of Blackmore, is a lady on the run from marrying the evil lord of Shrewsbury. She takes up with the thief, not knowing he plans on bringing her right to the place she is running from – Shrewsbury.

In the fourth book of the series, Lady of the Mist, we see Madoc’s twin sister, Echo. She has been raised by an infamous pirate as the son he never had. The hero, Garrett, is the brother of Abigail and also a baron of the Cinque Ports. He has sworn allegiance to keep the channel safe, and when he encounters Echo’s pirate ship, both their lives take a drastic turn.

Four siblings all with fascinating tales of their own are brought back together in the Legacy of the Blade Series. Each book can stand alone, but characters from the other books are brought in at the beginning and the end. This enables you to see what has happened in their lives, but it may ruin a surprise or two, so I suggest to read them in order if you can.

Please visit my website at elizabethrosenovels.com to read excerpts from each of the books. And thank you once again for your wonderful reviews and support! Watch my website, as the second book in my Elemental Series, The Duke and the Dryad will be released sometime in June, 2013. This is also a medieval, with paranormal elements included.

You can read more about Lord of the Blade right here on Medieval Romances.

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